When a more powerful person uses a less powerful person for sexual gratification is sexual abuse. When an adult uses a child for his or her own sexual gratification.There are two types of abuses (i) Touching and (ii) non -touching abuses. Exposure to ponography, taking photographs of children in sexualized manner, communicating in a sexual way comes under non -touching abuse. Kissing, fondling, oral sex, anal or vaginal intercourse comes under touching abuse. The offenders depends on secracy. They use child as their victim because they are less powerful than adults and they have limited information regarding sexual matter. The abusers use child's fear, embarassement or guilt as their tool. There are many ill effects of sexual abuse,both physical and mental effects. Sexually transmitted infections, urinary infection, unusual smells or bleedings are some physical problems. Behavioural effects are shame, guilt, mental illness, depression, anxiety. Proper awareness among children can reduce child sexual abuse.
● To give awareness to students regarding sexual abuse.
●To give them safety measures.
●To make them aware where to get help if needed.
We have conducted a conscientization programme on 23 /01/ 2020. We conducted the class on eighth standard students on fifth hour. The topic selected for the class is Child Sexual Abuse. The teacher trainee AMMU gave a description of our conscientization programme and invited their attention to the class. Then teacher trainee GAYATHRI gave the information about what is sexual abuse and why the childrens are the victim of child abuse. The teacher trainee SHERIT PETERS gave a description of types of abuse and ill effects of sexual abuse by showing a slide. We showed a short film on sexual abuse. Students watched it. AMMU concluded the session by giving them safety measures. The children were benefited by the class.
Students listened to the class with great interest. They clarified their doubts regarding the topic .
The class on sexual abuse was a effective one. They asked doubts regarding the toipc. Doubts were clarified. The children were benefited by the class.